Debtor Application - evidence requirements checklist

A checklist to be used when completing the Debtor Application for the Minimal Asset Process (MAP) or Full Administration bankruptcy

MAP - benefits only

  • Certificate for Sequestration
  • please provide the latest evidence of payment prior to the application being signed. This can be a letter from DWP or the local authority or a bank statement with the name and address of the debtor or a full Universal Credit (UC) statement (UC statement must display the most recent assessment period end date prior to the date the application was signed)
  • if an old award letter is provided (not UC) then a bank statement dated within the last 3 months showing the benefit payments being made together with an outdated benefit award letter would suffice.
  • proof of tenancy (agreement, Housing Benefit award letter, rent statement, UC statement where rent is paid direct to the landlord)
  • if car on Motability or HP, please provide agreement
  • a valuation for all vehicles not subject to a credit agreement and owned outright by the debtor
  • statements for all bank accounts held by the debtor to verify the balance at the date of signing the application. If unable to provide a statement at the exact date, we can accept a statement as close to the date of signing if the balance is continually low or in overdraft. If at any time during a statement period the balance is near to £1000, verification of the balance at the date of signing will be requested

Screenshots will only be permitted if the date of balance is shown along with account number, name, and address of the debtor.

Please note that if a debtor has savings totalling more than £1000 over more than one account, the debtor will not meet the MAP criteria.

MAP - income other than benefits

  • Certificate for Sequestration
  • the last 3 months or 12 weeks’ payslips if working (when averaging, please add any wages arrestment to the net pay as this will cease when bankruptcy awarded). As a minimum we will accept the latest wage slip prior to the application signing date for monthly or 4 weekly paid debtors, and the last 4 weeks for weekly paid debtors
  • self-employed individuals -business accounts or a breakdown of income and business expenditure, for minimum one month period prior to signing of the application, to show the profit or net earnings for that period. This can be shown on a simple excel or word document. Bank statements will no longer be accepted as evidence of self employed income
  • if in receipt of a works or private pension, please provide evidence of the payments within the last 3 months (some pension providers do not supply monthly slips, so a bank statement with the debtor’s name and address showing the payments being made within the last 3 months is sufficient.)
  • evidence of all essential expenditure (rent, council tax, insurances, gas, electricity, HP, Childcare costs). If providing a bank statement, please highlight each entry on the statement to prevent further enquiries from AiB to you or the debtor
  • proof of tenancy (agreement, Housing Benefit award letter, rent statement, UC statement where rent is paid direct to the landlord)
  • if car on Motability or HP, please provide agreement
  • a valuation for all vehicles not subject to a credit agreement and owned outright by the debtor
  • statements for all bank accounts held by the debtor to verify the balance at the date of signing the application. If unable to provide a statement at the exact date, we can accept a statement as close to the date of signing if the balance is continually low or in overdraft. If at any time during a statement period the balance is near to £1000, verification of the balance at the date of signing will be requested

Screenshots will only be permitted if the date of balance is shown along with account number, name, and address of the debtor.

Please note that if a debtor has savings totalling more than £1000 over more than one account, the debtor will not meet the MAP criteria.

Full Administration - benefits only

  • Certificate for Sequestration or an expired Charge for Payment or Statutory Demand
  • if in receipt of benefit only income, please provide the latest evidence of payment prior to the application being signed. This can be a letter from DWP or the local authority or a bank statement with the name and address of the debtor or a full UC statement (UC statement must display the most recent assessment period end date prior to the date the application was signed)
  • if an old award letter is provided (not UC) then a bank statement dated within the last 3 months showing the benefit payments being made together with an outdated benefit award letter would suffice

Full Administration - with income other than benefits

  • Certificate for Sequestration or an expired Charge for Payment or Statutory Demand
  • if assessed as having to pay a contribution an application fee is applicable, however, a fee waiver can be applied if the debtor is in receipt of a qualifying benefit. Please provide evidence of the latest payment of benefit prior to the application being signed
  • the last 3 months or 12 weeks’ payslips if employed (when averaging the income, please add any wages arrestment to the net pay as this will cease when bankruptcy awarded)
  • as a minimum we will accept the latest wage slip prior to the application signing date for monthly or 4 weekly paid debtors, and the last 4 weeks for weekly paid debtors
  • self-employed individuals -business accounts or a breakdown of income and business expenditure, for minimum one month period prior to signing of the application, to show the profit or net earnings for that period. This can be shown on a simple excel or word document. Bank statements will no longer be accepted as evidence of self employed income
  • if in receipt of a works or private pension, please provide evidence of the payments within the last 3 months (some pension providers do not supply monthly slips, so a bank statement with the debtor’s name and address showing the payments being made within the last 3 months is sufficient)
  • evidence of all essential expenditure (rent, Mortgage, council tax, insurances, gas, electricity, HP, Childcare costs). If providing a bank statement, please highlight each entry on the statement to prevent further enquiries from AiB to you or the debtor

If trigger figures are breached in a MAP or a Full Administration case, with income, an explanation and evidence to corroborate the figure declared on the application is required. If this cannot be provided, the expenditure will be restricted to the maximum amount allowed in accordance with the trigger figure levels set by Money Advice Trust.

Full Administration - deceased debtor

  • certified copy of debtor’s death certificate
  • copy of debtor’s will nominating executor or evidence to show applicant is a person entitled to be appointed as deceased debtor’s executor
  • proof of debt
  • statement of assets and liabilities where appropriate
  • an application fee is applicable

Additional guidance

Gas and electricity

Please refer to the Common Financial Tool Notes for Guidance where regular updates are made depending on the energy market.

Evidence of payment of Council Tax

  • full annual Council Tax bill. The full bill is required to verify if Council Tax Reduction is in place, which provides eligibility for the application fee waiver
  • bank statements to verify Council Tax is being paid
  • correspondence from the Local Authority verifying payment

Screenshots or extracts from the Scottish Assessors website are not acceptable in evidencing the payment of Council Tax.

Car valuation

If a vehicle is valued over £3000, the criteria for MAP will not be met. We will accept the following evidence which verifies the trade or private sale value of any vehicle (whichever is higher will be used):

  • an online valuation from Mycarcheck, Parkers, Autotrader etc.
  • a written valuation from a car dealership if it has been provided on headed paper

A valuation is required on all MAP applications where a vehicle is owned outright by the debtor, this has been added to the list of evidence required in a MAP case.

We will not accept the following valuations:

  • Webuyanycar, Arnold Clark, Motorway or any company that provides quick access to cash from the sale of any vehicle
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