Publications Search
Showing 43 results
Showing 43 publications.
AiB Agency Framework document
This document sets out the broad framework within which AiB operates
Annual Procurement Report 2023-24
This report details our performance against our Procurement Strategy
Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24
Annual Report and Accounts reports on the business and financial activities undertaken by AiB over the last financial year
Business Plan 2024-25
The plan sets out an overview of actions and objectives for the year.
Complaints handling procedure
An overview of AiB's complaints handling procedure
Consignation form
A form to be used when submitting consignations to AiB
Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-27
This three year plan sets out our priorities for fulfilling our vision and promise to Care Experienced people
Dear Trustee - Changes to trustee accounts process
Letter for trustee staff involved in the accounts process
Dear Trustee - Discontinued acceptance of cheques
A letter for those staff involved in administering bankruptcy cases and protected trust deeds
Dear Trustee - Rate of statutory interest
A letter for those staff involved in administering bankruptcy cases and protected trust deeds