Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics October to December 2024 (2024-25 Quarter 3)
- First published
- 22 January 2025
- Last updated
- 22 January 2025 - see all updates
- Topics
- Debt Arrangement Scheme, Protected Trust Deeds, Bankruptcy, Corporate Insolvency
An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland
Main points for October to December 2024
There were 1,784 personal insolvencies (bankruptcies and protected trust deeds) in 2024-25 Q3. A decrease of 230 (11.4%) when compared with 2023-24 Q3.
In 2024-25 Q3, 506 debtor applications for bankruptcy benefitted from the revised fee structure. Of these, 467 cases (92.3%) paid no fee at all.
Under the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS), there were 1,330 Debt Payment Programmes (DPPs) approved in 2024-25 Q3. This is a decrease of 10.2% when compared with 1,481 from 2023-24 Q3.
Chart 1 below shows the number of Personal insolvencies and DAS DPPs since 2009-10 Q1.
Both DAS
DPPs and Personal Insolvencies have levelled
off since Q1 2021
Chart 1: Number of
debt solutions by type since April-June
There were 897 applications for moratoria granted in 2024-25 Q3. An increase of 6.3% when compared with 2023-24 Q3.
Corporate insolvencies increased from 292 in 2023-24 Q3 to 285 in 2024-25 Q3.
Level of personal insolvencies in Q3
2024-25 were lower than in Q3
Chart 2: Quarterly personal
insolvencies, 2023-24 and 2024-25
About this release
This quarterly release contains the latest Scottish statistics on:
- statutory debt solutions
- statutory moratoriums on diligence
- corporate insolvencies
These are compiled by Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB), an executive agency of the Scottish Government. The next update will be 23 April 2025. For any queries please contact us using the AiB statistics mailbox.
The majority of the statistics presented use data from AiB administrative records. Estimates for 2024-25 are provisional until the publication of final figures in July 2025.
Non-statutory debt solutions are where debtors make their own arrangements with creditors or enter informal debt management plans with a debt management firm. These are not included in these statistics.
The data used in this release is not seasonally adjusted. It is recommended you use year-on-year comparisons (for example 2024-25 Q3 compared with 2023-24 Q3).
Awards of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy (also known as sequestration in Scotland) is a legal declaration that a person cannot pay their debts. If a person is declared bankrupt, control of some things that they own are passed to a trustee who may sell them to pay money owed to creditors. Awards of bankruptcy can be grouped into three types:
- debtor application
- creditor petition
- trust deed petition
Further information on bankruptcy can be found on
There were 617 bankruptcies awarded in 2024-25 Q3, a decrease of 0.6% when compared with 2023-24 Q3.
Of the 617 awards of bankruptcy, 82.0% came from debtor applications. The remaining bankruptcies came from creditor petitions (18.0%). There were no trust deed petitions in 2024-25 Q3.
Creditor petitions decreased from 123 in 2023-24 Q3 to 111 in 2024-25 Q3. Note petitions are approved by courts with AiB only recording when a petition has been awarded. So, the number of creditor petitions recorded could be influenced by the late reporting of creditor petitions court orders. Under the current revisions policy, quarterly creditor petitions figures are revised quarterly to account for late reporting or missing cases.
Legislative changes
During the COVID-19 Pandemic there was a series of emergency legislation introduced that may impact our statistics:
and more recently:
Debtor applications
Debtor applications for bankruptcy increased by 1.6% from 498 in 2023-24 Q3 to 506 in 2024-25 Q3. There are two types of debtor applications for bankruptcy: MAP or Full Administration. Full Administration bankruptcies increased by 22.4% from 134 in 2023-24 Q3 to 164 in 2024-25 Q3. MAP bankruptcies decreased by 6.0% from 364 to 342. The majority of bankruptcies awarded through debtor applications are MAP cases.
Not all debtor applications for bankruptcy result in an award being made. Applications can be:
- rejected (criteria for bankruptcy not met)
- returned (application errors) or
- withdrawn
In 2024-25 Q3, 506 debtor applications for bankruptcy were received by AiB compared with 498 received in 2023-24 Q3.
Almost 70% of debtor applications
awarded in 2024-25 were MAP
Chart 3:
Awards of debtor applications by type of
bankruptcies: Apr-Jun 2009 to Oct-Dec
Case administration
In Scotland, a trustee is appointed to administer each bankruptcy. The Accountant in Bankruptcy (The Accountant) will be the trustee unless an insolvency practitioner is nominated to act. In all cases awarded under MAP, The Accountant must act as trustee.
In the third quarter of 2024-25, The Accountant was appointed trustee in 550 cases awarded. This is 89.1% of bankruptcies for the quarter. This is because 67.6% of bankruptcies awarded through debtor applications in this quarter are MAP cases.
Application fee structure
The current bankruptcy application fee structure provides lower cost access to both the Full Administration and MAP routes to bankruptcy. It included the complete removal of fees for those assessed as having no surplus income and those in receipt of certain prescribed benefits. Debtor application costs for Full Administration have reduced from £200 to £150 and MAP application fees have been removed completely. For further information see:
The Bankruptcy and Debt Arrangement Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
The Bankruptcy (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2021
In the third quarter of 2024-25, a total of 506 bankruptcy awards were made following applications submitted to AiB under the revised fee structure. Of this total, 467 (92.3%) applicants were not required to pay any fee at all. 76.2% of Full Administration bankruptcies paid no fee in 2024-25 Q3. Due to the legislation changes 100% of MAP cases paid no fee in 2024-25 Q3.
Bankruptcies discharged
A debtor in a full administration bankruptcy will normally be bankrupt for one year. After this period they may be discharged. A debtor in a MAP bankruptcy will normally be discharged after six months as long as they continue to meet the MAP criteria.
Although the debtor is discharged, the administration of the bankruptcy continues until the trustee has dealt with all of the estate and accounted for their work so that they can seek their own discharge. A debtor must continue to cooperate with the trustee until the trustee’s discharge.
In 2024-25 Q3, there were 546 debtors discharged and 708 trustees discharged, a decrease of 14.2% and 17.2% respectively when compared with 2023-24 Q3.
Figures on the number of trustee discharges contain some bankruptcy cases where the trustee has been discharged on more than one occasion. This is following formal re-appointment to conclude the administration of the bankruptcy. The figures also include the number of trustees who formerly acted in bankruptcies on which recall has been granted. In 2023-24 and 2024-25, there were 50 and 45 bankruptcy recalls respectively.
Protected Trust Deeds
A Protected Trust Deed (PTD) is a formal debt solution where an agreement is made between a debtor and creditors to repay part or all of their debt.
The debtor conveys their estate to an insolvency practitioner (the trustee) to administer for the benefit of creditors. The arrangement normally includes a contribution from income for a set period.
Provided the debtor complies with the terms of their deed, the creditors can take no further action to pursue the debt or to make the debtor bankrupt. This is similar to Individual Voluntary Agreements in England and Wales, although there are important differences in the way they are set up and administered.
For further information on protected trust deeds see
PTDs registered
There were 1,167 PTDs registered in 2024-25 Q3, a decrease of 16.2% when compared with 2023-24 Q3. Chart 4 shows that the number of PTDs have followed a similar trend to bankruptcies and had been generally increasing between 2014-15 Q1 and 2019-20 Q1, before declining in 2019-20 Q2.
Despite a drop in volumes in
COVID-19, there are still more PTDs than
Chart 4: Personal
insolvencies by type of debt solution
Apr-Jun 2015 to Oct-Dec 2024
As with awards of bankruptcies, the trend in PTDs registered is likely to be affected by legislative and operational changes. For example, the BADA(S) reforms, introduced from 1 April 2015, aligned the payment period in bankruptcy and PTDs to 48 months. Prior to this, those agreeing to a PTD were typically paying contributions for an additional year compared with those in bankruptcy. These changes have likely led to an increase in PTD activity levels.
In 2024-25 Q3, more PTDs were registered than bankruptcy awards, as has been the case since 2015-16 Q1.
PTD Protocol
The PTD Protocol was introduced on the 1st October 2021. It set out non-statutory changes to operational processes. The aim was to promote good practice, improve transparency and provide further clarity in support of the AiB PTD Notes for Guidance. This would better enable Insolvency Practitioners to manage debtor and creditor expectations in a PTD.
There is no legislative need for a trustee to follow the protocol provisions. Yet, since its launch, eight insolvency practitioners voluntarily agreed to do so. Of the total number of trust deeds protected in 2024-25 Q3, 91.2% had protocol compliant trustees.
More details on the protocol can be found on the AiB website.
PTDs discharged
A debtor in a PTD is normally discharged after 48 months. If the debtor makes the agreed payments, and cooperates with the trustee then the trustee will apply to AiB for the debtor to be discharged.
After the debtor has been discharged, the trustee may remain in office as long as necessary to conclude the administration of the trust deed.
There were 1,051 debtors discharged in the third quarter of 2024-25, a 11.3% decrease when compared with 2023-24 Q3. There were 1,496 trustees discharged in 2024-25 Q3, a 5.7% decrease when compared with the same quarter in 2023-24.
Debt Arrangement Scheme
The Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) is a statutory debt management solution administered by AiB. Under the DAS, a debtor commits to a Debt Payment Programme (DPP) which allows them to repay their debts based on their disposable income while they are protected from creditors taking any action against them to recover their debt. If the DPP is approved, all interest, fees and charges on the debt will be frozen and waived if the programme is completed in full.
For further information on the Debt Arrangement Scheme see
Approved DAS applications
Note that not all applications received by AiB are approved. In the third quarter of 2024-25, 1,312 applications for a DAS DPP were received by AiB. In the same quarter, 7 applications were rejected.
In 2024-25 Q3, there were 1,330 approved DPPs under the DAS compared with the 1,481 approved in 2023-24 Q3, an decrease of 10.2%. Chart 5 shows there has been upward trend in the number of approved DPPs since 2019-20 Q1.
DAS volumes begin to level
Chart 5: Approved DPPs under DAS
Apr-Jun 2015 to Oct-Dec 2024
Completed and Revoked DAS cases
A DPP reaches completion when the debt in the DPP has been paid in full, minus the fees paid to the DAS Administrator and the payments distributor. There were 543 DPPs under the DAS completed in 2024-25 Q3, an increase of 27.5% when compared with 2023-24 Q3.
The volume of DAS completions will depend on activity levels several years earlier with the average expected length of a DPP under DAS being around six years. We can expect a lower but steady volume of completions in line with current applications approved compared with previous completion levels.
A DPP is automatically revoked if either the debtor is made bankrupt, enters a trust deed which becomes protected, or other grounds. There were 555 DPPs under the DAS revoked in 2024-25 Q3, which is 147 (36.0%) more than the figure of 408 in the same quarter in 2023-24.
Amount repaid under the DAS
In 2024-25 Q3, around £14.6 million was repaid from debtors under the DAS compared with the £12.8 million million repaid in 2023-24 Q3. Since the DAS (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2019 came into force on 4 November 2019, through DAS, creditors receive a minimum of 78% of the debt owed to them from debtors. This is after DAS Administrator and payments distributor fees. Prior to this, the minimum was set at 90%. After the DAS Administrator and payments distributor fees have been deducted around £11.7 million was paid to creditors in 2024-25 Q3.
Applications to vary and revoke a DPP
If a debtor’s circumstances change and they can no longer afford the agreed payments, or if they want to increase the level of payment, they can apply for a variation to their DAS DPP. Variations can also include a change to the length of the DPP or attaching a new condition.
The following type of variations are included in this publication:
- contribution change
- debt change
- discretionary condition
- essential credit
- frequency change
- partial settlement
- payment break
In the third quarter of 2024-25 a total of 3,064 were submitted to vary a DPP. Of these, 1,228 applications for a crisis payment break were approved, making up about 40.1% of all variation requests. Additionally, 1,801 standard variation applications were approved, representing 58.8% of all applications to vary a DPP. Only 1.1% of applications to vary a DPP were rejected. Approved variations accounted for 15.5% of live DAS cases.
Applications to revoke a DPP
A DPP is automatically revoked if the debtor is made bankrupt or enters a trust deed which becomes protected. There are also a number of grounds where the debtor, a money adviser acting on behalf of the debtor or a creditor in the DPP can apply to revoke a DPP, for example:
- debtors failed to satisfy a standard or discretionary condition
- debtors made a false statement in their application
- the debtors failed to make the agreed installment under the DPP and are currently in arrears of an amount equal to two installments
- the conditions for a joint DPP as specified in regulation 22(1) or 22(2) no longer apply
If the DPP is revoked, the debtor may be liable for all interest, fees, penalties and other charges that would have been payable had the DPP not been approved.
Of a total of 1,141applications to revoke a DPP, 555 were approved in 2024-25 Q3, 147 (36.0%) more than the figure approved in 2023-24 Q3, and 586 were rejected. Overall, 555 or 2.8% of live DAS cases were revoked during 2024-25 Q3.
Statutory Moratorium on Diligence
A moratorium provides protection from creditor debt enforcement.
Individuals can request a moratorium if they need a period of breathing space. This allows them time to consider whether to apply for a statutory debt solution.
The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 extended the duration of the moratorium from six weeks to six months. The rule prohibiting more than one moratorium in any 12-month period was also temporarily set aside. This was reinforced on 01 October 2021. Now, moratorium protection cannot be provided where an application has been made in the previous 12 months.
The Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Act fixes the period of protection at 6 months. This continues the enhanced protection introduced temporarily by the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020. This commenced on 01 October 2022.
There were 897 (debtor and entity) applications for moratoria granted in 2024-25 Q3. This is an increase of 6.3% when compared with the same quarter in 2023-24.
Levels of moratoriums on
diligence remain higher than pre-pandemic
Chart 6: Statutory moratorium
on diligence granted between April 2015 to
December 2024.
Corporate insolvency
AiB handles devolved elements of corporate insolvency. The Scottish Government’s competence is limited to:
- the process of company liquidation and receivership and
- the management and maintenance of the Register of Insolvencies (RoI)
The RoI contains details of liquidation and receivership of Scottish businesses. This includes those wound up by either a Sheriff Court or the Court of Session. AiB needs to be notified of all company liquidations and receiverships in Scotland.
The statistics below are based on the date the insolvency was registered on AiB’s system. So, there is a time lag between the dates of award/registration and when AiB receives notice. Therefore, the figures reported by AiB may not exactly reflect the true number of awards/registrations in a quarter.
For further information on corporate insolvency see
Corporate insolvencies include:
- receiverships appointments
- compulsory liquidations
- creditors’ voluntary liquidations
In the past, the majority of corporate insolvencies used to be compulsory liquidation. Since 2020-21 Q1, the majority are creditors’ voluntary liquidations. Creditors’ voluntary liquidations decreased by 19.8% between 2023-24 Q3 and 2024-25 Q3. Compulsory liquidations increased from 110 to 139 over the same period.
Chart 7 shows that there were 285 corporate insolvencies in 2024-25 Q3 compared with 292 in 2023-24 Q3. This is a decrease of 2.4%. There were 273 MVLs in 2024-25 Q3 compared with 145 in 2023-24 Q3. An increase of 88.3%.
Corporate inolvencies continue to
rise post COVID
Chart 7: Total
corporate insolvencies and members’
voluntary liquidations Apr-Jun 2010 to
Oct-Dec 2024
Reserved elements remain the responsibility of the UK Government and are dealt with by The Insolvency Service. The Insolvency Service is an executive agency sponsored by the Department for Business and Trade.
Reserved elements include:
- company voluntary arrangements
- administration
- legal effects of liquidation and
- regulation of insolvency practitioners
Statistics on these reserved elements are available from The Insolvency Service.
The statistics presented here may differ from those published by The Insolvency Service, as they source their data from Companies House. Differences are due to AiB using its own administrative system’s data rather than the start date of the insolvency. Corporate insolvency statistics produced by The Insolvency Service are available here.
Background information
Official Statistics label
These official statistics provide key information on personal and corporate insolvencies in Scotland. Official statistics are produced by professional independent statistical staff.
Section 6.1 of the 2007 Statistics and Registration Service Act defines official statistics as those produced by:
- the UK Statistics Authority
- government departments (including executive agencies)
- the Devolved Administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- any other person acting on behalf of the Crown or
- any other organisation named on an Official Statistics Order
Under the Act, official statistics should:
- follow the Code of Practice for Statistics and
- fall within the scope of the Office for Statistics Regulation
The Office for Statistics Regulation assesses their compliance against the Code of Practice
Further information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland is available here - About our statistics -
Data Sources
The statistics for Scottish statutory debt solutions (bankruptcies, PTDs, and the DAS) use administrative data processed within AiB. These are stored on the systems BASYS, ASTRA and eDEN (formerly DASH) respectively. Note DASH was decommissioned on 30 June 2019 and its replacement system, eDEN, went live on 1 July 2019.
The exception to this is creditor and trustee petition bankruptcies. This is sourced from the courts that grant them and then stored on the BASYS system.
The statistics for statutory moratorium on diligence also use administrative data processed within AiB. This is stored on the Register of Insolvencies.
Corporate insolvencies calculated using administrative data records provided by the courts and insolvency professionals (liquidators and receivers). Corporate insolvency statistics published by AiB may differ from equivalent statistics published by The Insolvency Service. This is because the Insolvency Service use their own administrative data of records and Companies House to produce their statistics. There may be a time lag between the award/registration date and the date on which AiB receives notice of the insolvency.
Figures are produced from tabulation of raw data from relevant administrative systems for the number of:
- bankruptcies
- PTDs
- DPPs under the DAS
- statutory moratorium on diligence and
- corporate insolvencies
The numbers of personal insolvencies reported are based on:
- the date of the court order
- agreement of the insolvency procedure or
- approval date
For creditor petitions, the published figures will be influenced by the late reporting of court orders. This may lead to underestimating the number of creditor petitions awarded. Creditor petitions statistics are subsequently adjusted after the final quarterly release of the financial year. The revised figures are reflected in the first quarterly report of the next financial year.
The number of DPPs under the DAS reported are based on the approval date of the DPP. The number of statutory moratorium on diligence reported are based on the submission date of the granted moratorium.
AiB must be notified of all company liquidations and receiverships in Scotland. AiB publishes quarterly official statistics based on its own administrative records.
Revisions are usually made as a result of data being sent to AiB and logged on to the administrative systems after the cut-off date for data being extracted. These revisions tend to be small in the context of overall totals.
From 2024-25 Q3, scheduled revisions will occur every financial quarter. Providing users with data in a more timely manner. This will improve the accuracy of provisional estimates as more information becomes available.
On the first release of the quarterly statistics, all new quarterly data are given provisional status and labelled with [p]. These statistics will remain provisional until the data is finalised (i.e. no planned revisions). Any revisions that occur will be clearly marked with [r] and an explanatory footnote in the relevant table.
As is the current policy, revisions made for any other reason will be highlighted separately. Finalised figures will be published in the first quarter of the next financial year as the current policy states. Further details on the new revisions policy for scheduled revisions is shown in the table below.
Publication edition | Scheduled revisions |
April to June (Q1) | First release of April to June data. Data from previous April until following March is finalised. |
July to September (Q2) | First release of July to September data. Revise period April to June (Q1). |
October to December (Q3) | First release of October to December data. Revise period April to September (Q1-Q2). |
January to March (Q4) | First release of January to March data. Revise period April to December (Q1-Q3). |
General Revisions and Corrections
In general, all figures for the previous financial years reported in this publication should be final and should not be revised in future. This is in line with the current revision policy. Sometimes, when quality assuring the data for the latest years, errors in term of data classifications applied may come to light. In this case, we may correct the erroneous data classifications in previous year. We will alert users of our statistics about such corrections.
The statistics produced by AiB are the most complete record of the number of statutory debt solutions and statutory moratorium on diligence. Statistics on corporate insolvencies are also included.
The statistics presented here do not include non-statutory debt solutions (where debtors make their own arrangements with creditors or enter informal debt management plans with a debt management firm).
These statistics are published on the fourth Wednesday of the month following the end of the quarter being reported on.
The exact publication date is pre-announced through a 12-month release calendar. This gives a specific release date at least four weeks in advance where possible – Official statistics: forthcoming publications -
Statutory debt solutions statistics can be compared between different types of debt solutions. They can also be used to identify trends over time.
Changes in legislation and policy may affect the extent to which comparisons can be made over time for individual data series. Such changes might cause breaks in time series so that statistics from before and after the change are not comparable. Where this is known, they have been highlighted in the commentary and in the general background notes.
The Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics are the definitive source of statistics on statutory debt solutions in Scotland. The Insolvency Service include figures from our publications in their official statistics releases on individual insolvencies. Figures for the financial year 2024-25 will be finalised in Q1 of 2025-26
It is important to note that the operational, policy and legislative differences in all nations of UK. Users should be mindful of this caveat when making comparisons with other parts of the UK.
Glossary of key terms
- Debtor
Any person who owes money to another.
Any person, business or organisation that is owed money by another.
(Also known as sequestration in Scotland) is a legal declaration that someone cannot pay their debts. If a person is declared bankrupt, control of things that they own is passed to a trustee who may sell them to pay money owed to creditors. A regular payment from a person’s income may also have to be made.
Protected Trust Deed (PTD)-
A form of insolvency that transfers a debtor’s estate to a trustee to be realised for the benefit of creditors.
Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS)-
A Scottish Government debt management tool. Allows a debtor to repay their debts through a Debt Payment Programme. This gives more time for repayments, free from the threat of enforcement (diligence) or bankruptcy.
Moratorium on diligence-
A protection from creditor debt enforcement. This protection is available to individuals as well as certain entities.
Insolvency Practitioner-
A person (usually, but not necessarily, a chartered accountant) licensed and authorised to act as a trustee in sequestrations or trust deeds.
A person who administers a bankruptcy or trust deed. In sequestrations, a trustee can be either the AiB or a private insolvency practitioner. In trust deeds, trustees must be an insolvency practitioner.
Receivership appointments-
A receiver is appointed by a lender holding a charge over some or all of the company’s assets. The main responsibilities of a receiver are to ensure the appointing lender is paid.
Compulsory liquidation-
Or winding up by the court is a procedure by which the assets of a company are sold, and the net free proceeds are distributed to the company’s creditors. A court order is required to put a company into compulsory liquidation.
Creditors’ voluntary liquidation-
A director can propose a creditors’ voluntary liquidation if the company can’t pay its debts (it’s ‘insolvent’) or enough shareholders agree. This means the company will stop trading and be liquidated (‘wound up’). The assets of the company are sold and the net free proceeds are distributed to the company’s creditors.
Members’ voluntary liquidation-
The shareholders of a solvent company pass a voluntary winding up resolution and appoint a liquidator. The liquidator will realise the assets of the business in order to distribute the proceeds to company members. A company is considered legally solvent when it is able to meet its financial obligations and the value of its assets. The company must be in a position to pay its debts in full.
An Official Statistics publication for Scotland
The figures released today were produced in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics; they undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs.
Correspondence and enquiries
For enquiries about this publication please contact:
AiB Statistics, Accountant in
For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician
Telephone: 0131 244 0442
How to access background or source data
The data collected for this statistical bulletin are available on the AiB Statistics webpages at
Details of bankruptcies, PTDs, liquidations and receiverships can be found on the Register of Insolvencies, which is maintained by Accountant in Bankruptcy and can be accessed at:
The DAS register is an online public register which holds information about those who have a DPP under DAS, available at:
Complaints and suggestions
If you are not satisfied with our service
or have any comments or suggestions, please
write to:
The Chief Statistician, 2W, St Andrews
House, Edinburgh, EH1 3DG
Telephone: (0131) 244 0302
If you would like to be consulted about statistical collections or receive notification of publications, please register your interest at:
Details of forthcoming publications can be found at: Official statistics: forthcoming publications -
- First published
- Wednesday, 22 January 2025
- Last updated
- Wednesday, 22 January 2025 - show all updates
- All updates