
BASYS is the online case management system used to administer bankruptcies. 

It can be accessed by several parties involved in a bankruptcy including trustees and insolvency practitioners.

Each party has their own secure login, password details and permission rights depending on their role.

System access and resources

Each organisation will have a system admin user who can add a user to the BASYS system. The system admin user can create a username and password.

If your organisation requires access, please contact our BASYS Enquiries mailbox.

Forgotten password

If a user has forgotten their password:

  • click on the forgot your password link at the bottom of the login screen
  • enter the username and email address within the relevant fields
  • click on request reset password button

A link to reset the password is sent to the user’s registered email account.

Forgotten username

If you have forgotten the username:

  • click on forgotten your username button at the bottom of the login screen
  • enter the email address associated with the user account in the text box
  • click request username button

If the username entered is invalid, the system will display an error message.

If the email address entered matches an email associated with a user account, an email will be sent reminding the user of the username.

Change password

You can change your password by selecting change password under the user option on the main toolbar on the dashboard screen.

Once the required information is entered, click the change password button. If the password change is successful the user dashboard screen is displayed.

If the current password entered does not match the current password stored by the system, an error message is displayed. An error message is also displayed if the new password and confirm new password fields do not match .

The next time a user logs into BASYS the username and/or password become valid.

All passwords must be at least 12 characters with no more than 2 repeating or sequential characters and contain at least 1 of each of the following features:

  • lowercase character
  • uppercase character
  • a digit
  • a symbol

The system does not allow the user to re-use any of their previous 12 passwords.

An account will be locked if an incorrect password is entered too many times. 

Once an account is locked, this has to be unlocked by contacting our BASYS Enquiries mailbox

Attempting to reset the password will not unlock the account. 

AiB can display system messages on the BASYS login screen to notify users of important updates and issues.


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