Privacy and data protection

Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) holds and processes personal data, in compliance with UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

The privacy notice explains:

  • how AiB uses information 
  • why it may need to share personal information
  • how it protects privacy
  • who to contact if concerned

AiB has a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for making sure it only uses personal information lawfully and rights are respected.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer:

By email

By phone

0300 200 2600

By post

1 Pennyburn Road


North Ayrshire

KA13 6SA

AiB needs personal information to:

  • carry out its statutory duties
  • form legislation and policies
  • train and manage those who deliver its services
  • check the quality of services
  • help with research and planning of services
  • ensure the latest information on AiB and personal insolvency products are made available to the public
  • monitor spending on services

The types of data that we process will depend on a number of factors.

Types of data that we process include:

  • contact details
  • financial details
  • employment details
  • communications
  • race or ethnic origin
  • public records
  • documents generated and received during the administration of a debt solution or management process 

There are a number of legal reasons why AiB needs to collect and use personal information.

Generally, personal information is collected and used where: 

  • it is necessary to perform statutory duties
  • it is required by law
  • it is necessary for legal cases
  • it is necessary for AiB’s employment purposes
  • information is publicly available
  • it is in the public interest
  • it is necessary for archiving, research, or statistical purposes
  • it is required for completion of a contract
  • it is necessary to protect someone in an emergency
  • where consent has been given (in limited circumstances)
  • it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest

Should AiB require consent for any reason, contact will be made to the relevant person to request this. If consent is given to use personal information, this may be withdrawn at any time.

Personal information will only be requested if it is required in order to complete one of AiB’s statutory duties or it is necessary for a legitimate interest or public task. 

If personal information is recorded on one of our IT systems, insolvency updates may be sent to you.

Where you have attended an AiB corporate event, your name will be added to a list of contacts for future event notifications and updates concerning the products and services of AiB.

If you do not wish to be contacted for these purposes, please contact the communications team.

We collect information from:

  • the data subject
  • insolvency practitioners
  • money advisors
  • courts
  • solicitors
  • creditors
  • credit reference agencies
  • banks and building societies
  • DVLA
  • the public Registers of Inhibitions, Registers of Scotland land register, UK insolvency registers
  • any other individual, firm or organisation who can provide information in relation to an insolvent individuals assets, liabilities and business and financial affairs

AiB has a statutory duty to publish certain personal information in the public Register of Insolvencies and the Debt Arrangement Scheme Register. This information can be accessed, free of charge, by any person and will be retained and destroyed in accordance with AiB’s retention and destruction policy.

We may share personal data with other organisations or individuals. This might be to:

  • verify information to support an application
  • get information to support an application
  • offer additional services

Examples of who information may be shared with:

  • AiB staff
  • other government departments
  • local authorities
  • complainants, correspondents and enquirers
  • advisers, consultants and other professionals
  • other individuals and parties required to support and administer the affairs of people who have been sequestrated
  • organisations who have a legal duty to regulate the performance of individuals and companies who are involved in selling and/or administering debt and insolvency products

AiB will never share information with any third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

AiB will hold your personal information in accordance with our retention and destruction policy.  

Our policies are currently being reviewed for accessibility. If you require a copy in the meantime please email the communications team

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 provide individuals with rights around the use of their personal data.

These rights are:

  • right to access information held about you
  • right to have inaccurate information amended
  • right to ask to have information deleted (right to be forgotten)
  • right to ask us to limit what we use your personal data for
  • right to ask for your information to be moved to another organisation (data portability)
  • right to object
  • rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
  • how we protect your information

If you're unhappy with how we have used your data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO):


0303 123 1113


Information Commissioner’s Office


The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

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