Dear Trustee - Discontinued acceptance of cheques

A letter for those staff involved in administering bankruptcy cases and protected trust deeds

Dear Trustee - Discontinued acceptance of cheques

Dear Trustee

I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this letter to the attention of all staff who are involved in administering bankruptcy cases and protected trust deeds.

Further to previous correspondence stating that AiB would no longer be accepting cheques as of 5 December 2022, this letter is a reminder that all invoice payments and consignation deposits should be made by secure BACS transfer method only. 

Payment details are as follows:

Invoice payments

Sort code: 83-06-08

Account: 10835111

Remittance to be sent to


Sort code: 83-06-08

Account: 00290559

Consignation form to be sent to

The revised consignation form must be used and sufficient information provided. Failure to meet these requirements may result in funds being returned.

Please direct any queries to


Yours faithfully 

Sandra Murdoch

Finance Manager

Consignation form

Consignation form - revised July 2024
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