Dear Trustee - Submissions of documents and applications on BASYS
- First published
- 19 January 2023
- Last updated
- 19 January 2023 - see all updates
A letter for those staff involved in administering bankruptcy cases and Protected Trust Deeds.
Dear Trustee - Submissions of documents and applications on BASYS
Dear Trustee
I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this letter to the attention of all staff who are involved in administering bankruptcy cases.
Trustees are required to send to AiB, a number of statutory documents, circulars and often provide updates of case progression. It seems practical that these documents are directly uploaded to BASYS by the trustee’s staff, rather than emailed.
General applications can be submitted for two processes. A cure defect application in cases where there has been a failure to comply with a time limit specified in the Bankruptcy Act and a recall application in cases where the debtor is able to pay their debts in full. Currently, both applications are completed on a Form 1 and sent to the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) to be input on BASYS.
The functionality to submit cure defect applications and recall applications on BASYS has been available for some time now and we have received positive feedback regarding this process.
A number of trustees also upload their trustee discharge request directly to BASYS to expedite the discharge process.
An instruction document on BASYS electronic submissions has been published and provides step by step guidance for each process. Please ensure you and your staff take time to review the content of this document.
AiB has spent considerable time and resource on developing the BASYS case management system and continue to liaise with developers to make improvements to the system for all stakeholders.
This letter gives notice of our intention to introduce the requirement for all trustees to upload all statutory documents, circulars, and trustee discharge applications to BASYS and to create and submit any general applications electronically on BASYS from Monday 03 April 2023.
Any documents or applications submitted via email or post will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances beyond this date.
The lead-in time to this change should allow trustees sufficient time to make appropriate adjustments to their processes and to contact AiB to arrange any training they may require.
We would appreciate any feedback or requests for training in advance of this planned transition and we will endeavour to address all matters which are brought to our attention. Please send any comments you may have to Claire Cameron no later than 06 March 2023.
Please review the instruction documentation which has been enclosed with this letter.
Yours faithfully
Kimberley Kerr
Head of Adjudication and Supervision
- First published
- Thursday, 19 January 2023
- Last updated
- Thursday, 19 January 2023 - show all updates
- All updates
Letter published