Sensitivity obligation – public registers

Guidance on information being withheld on the public registers maintained by AiB

Process to withhold address


The debtor application form on BASYS includes a sensitivity box that the individual or the money adviser can use to indicate that they wish their information to be withheld because of a risk to their or a third party’s safety. To assess the risk, the Accountant will consider the evidence submitted with the application.

On a creditor petition, if the individual has indicated that they wish their address to be withheld, the trustee should submit the request to the Accountant via the Supervision Team mailbox along with supporting evidence.


If an individual has indicated that they wish their address to be withheld, the trustee should submit the request to the Accountant via the PTD Team mailbox along with supporting evidence before advertising the Trust Deed.


The DAS application form includes a section on sensitivity. If the adviser ticks the box for case sensitivity, the adviser must include a note with details, and upload any documentary evidence. The DAS Administrator consider this as the case is checked, so it is vital for a note to be added to the case.

If the DAS Administrator agrees to withhold the address, he will manually update eDEN with the correct correspondence address.

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