Statements on Expenditure 2022-23

Statements on Expenditure under Section 31(1) and (2) of the Public Sector Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 for the financial year 2022-23

Public relations

The expenditure relating to public relations is summarised under the following headings. 

Public relations - £100,587

The total represents expenditure for the AiB Communications team on external communications. This includes the cost of staff, printing and publication of guidance, reports and corporate documents, website maintenance costs, marketing, branding and design and promotional events. 

The role of the AiB is to deliver, with stakeholders, a range of options for individuals seeking debt relief and debt management. This role places AiB uniquely at the centre of the sector in Scotland and how we engage with stakeholders is increasingly recognised as vital to that role.

Expenditure on public relations reflects the need to engage with stakeholders as part of AiB’s role.

Overseas travel - £0

There was no expenditure incurred on overseas travel by staff during the year.

Hospitality and entertainment - £3890

The total represents expenditure on hospitality and entertainment incurred by AiB. AiB regularly engages with stakeholders in order to build strong relationships, share views and attain feedback of the main issues affecting the Scottish debt relief sector.   

External consultancy - £0

The total represents expenditure on consultancy incurred by AiB. 

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