Statements on Expenditure 2022-23

Statements on Expenditure under Section 31(1) and (2) of the Public Sector Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 for the financial year 2022-23

Statement of the steps taken by AiB to improve efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the exercise of its functions in the period

SG sets targets of 3% efficiency savings to be achieved each year. This is achieved through seeking better contract terms, managing our contracts to ensure we are using these appropriately and monitoring and reporting on spend. We also continue to seek new ways to do things by investing in our technology to reduce time spent on clerical and administrative processes.

We aim to achieve value for money through the use of SG Frameworks and AiB owned contracts by ensuring the best balance of cost and quality is achieved in each procurement process, contributing to effective contract management processes, and continuous improvement. We report on commodity spend and on/off contract spend throughout the year and will continue to develop savings and benefits reporting.

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