Notes for Guidance - Money adviser - Debt Arrangement Scheme

This guidance is aimed at money advisers and describes their involvement and processes associated with the Debt Arrangement Scheme 


The DAS Administrator uses the eDEN computer system to administer DAS. It is a secure, web-based case management system which can be accessed by all parties involved.

eDEN allows you to correspond directly with registered creditors, payment distributors and the DAS Administrator in real time relating to the DPPs your organisation has an interest in. This will provide a clear and visible audit trail.

eDEN access

You will have a secure login and password to access eDEN and can use the system to prepare and submit applications for approval, variation or revocation of a DPP.

If you are part of a large organisation it can have a number of sub-user accounts, allowing access to the system for a number of your colleagues at the same time. When you are logged on to eDEN, you can see the eDEN board showing your various workflow lists.

Further information can be found on the eDEN systems page


You can also provide the client with access to eDEN, where they can view the current status of their DPP.


Creditors will be able to access eDEN to confirm details of debts, agree to or reject a proposed DPP, and receive and respond to DPP notices or requests for information.

Payments distributors

Payments distributors will access and update the system, to allow them to track payments and report any that have not been received.

Removing access

If you no longer carry out a money adviser role, stop being employed by your organisation or no longer require access to the system, you must speak to your employer to remove your access to eDEN.

If you are unable to do so, you should contact the DAS Administrator as soon as possible with a request to be deleted and the reasons for deletion. 

In order to comply with Data Protection legislation your organisation is encouraged to undertake general housekeeping to monitor your access to the system at least on a quarterly basis.

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