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Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24

Annual Report and Accounts reports on the business and financial activities undertaken by AiB over the last financial year

Corporate Governance Report

Directors Report


This report is prepared in accordance with Chapter 5 of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 and Schedule 7 of SI 2008 No 410, as interpreted by the Government Financial Reporting Manual 2023-24 for the public sector context.

Performance Report

The Performance Report is prepared in accordance with Chapter 4A of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006, as interpreted by the Government Financial Reporting Manual 2023-24 for the public sector context and precedes this Director’s Report.

Personal data related incidents

As reported in the Governance Statement, there were no personal data related incidents identified through 2023-24 which required to be reported to the Information Commissioner (2022-23 – no incidents).

Chair, Chief Executive, composition of the Advisory Board and Advisory Board Interests

Management structure

AiB’s strategy and decisions are the responsibilities of the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is also both The Accountant and the Accountable Officer and receives strategic support from the AiB Advisory Board, Senior Management team and sub committees. AiB is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government, and the Chief Executive also acts as chair of the Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board

During 2023-24, the AiB Advisory Board comprised two executive and five non-executive directors. Membership did not change during the year. Two non-executives agreed to extend their tenures by a further 2 years. Non-Executive Board members are appointed in an advisory capacity to bring an independent perspective on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standards of conduct within AiB. Non-executives are expected to act as a counterbalance to the Executive Board members and provide challenge where necessary.

The Advisory Board, chaired by the Chief Executive, met four times in 2023-24 and was supported through attendance by Senior Management team members.

The Senior Management team meets monthly and features both Executive Directors along with heads of department from AiB’s main business areas.

From May 2024, Ian Waugh and Richard Maconachie joined the Advisory Board as non-executive directors to replace the two members whose tenures had ended following the final meetings of the 2023-24 reporting period.

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