Notes for Guidance - Common Financial Tool
- First published
- 30 November 2016
- Last updated
- 10 December 2024 - see all updates
- Topics
- Bankruptcy, Debt Arrangement Scheme, Protected Trust Deeds
Notes for Guidance explaining the information and evidence requirements to support debt solution applications
Appendix A - Income sources from which a contribution can be taken
Income sources from which a contribution can be taken:
- earnings
- private pension
- annuities
- grants
- trusts
- rents
- maintenance or child support paid to the debtor
- boarders or lodgers
- non-dependant contribution
- bursary
- foster Care professional fees (excludes Foster Care allowance)
This is not an exhaustive list.
Please note that in some cases, the individual terms and conditions of an agreement/award may indicate that a contribution cannot be taken. This is relevant to annuities, grants, trusts only.
Non-deductible state benefits and payments and allowances specified in the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 and the Scottish Child Payment Regulations from which a contribution cannot be taken:
- Adult Disability Payment
- Bereavement Allowance
- Bereavement Payment
- Best Start Grants
- Category A Retirement Pension (Including Additional Pension)
- Category B Retirement Pension
- Category C Retirement Pension
- Category D Retirement Pension
- Carer’s Allowance
- Carer’s Allowance Top-Up
- Child Benefit
- Child Tax Credit
- Cold-spell heating assistance
- Council Tax Benefit Disability assistance
- Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
- Early years assistance
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Employment-injury assistance
- Foster Care allowance
- Funeral expense assistance
- Graduated Retirement Benefit
- Guardian’s Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Housing Assistance
- Incapacity Benefit
- Income Support
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Pension
- Invalid Care Allowance
- Jobseeker’s Allowance (Contribution-Based)
- Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income-Based)
- Kinship Allowance
- Maternity Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment
- Scottish Child Payment
- Short-term assistance
- Social Fund Payments
- State Pension Credit
- Universal Credit
- Widowed Parents Allowance
- Winter heating assistance
- Working Tax Credits
Benefit includes any increase of benefit for an adult or child dependant
This list is not exhaustive, and benefits and benefit titles and sources will change.
- First published
- Wednesday, 30 November 2016
- Last updated
- Tuesday, 10 December 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
6.8 AiB will only require sight of supporting evidence/estimates if it has been determined that the spend will exceed £143 per month. This will increase to £145 per month from the 1 January to the 31 March 2025.
Following Ofgem announcement on energy price cap, an amendment has been made to essential expenditure section 6.8
Change to evidence requirements - expenditure for gas and electricity, without the need to provide evidence has been amended to £130 per month from July 2024.
AiB now facilitates the CFS and previous references to MAT have now been changed to AiB
Amended trigger figure, energy cap and removal of COL
Change to evidence requirements - the expenditure for gas and electricity, without the need to provide evidence has been amended to £140 per month combined.
Amendments made to payment amounts and dates in Appendix B - UK Government Cost of Living Support - Help with Energy Bills
Pet changes moved from section 10 housekeeping to section 11 other expenditure
Amendment to reflect the energy price cap set to an annual level of £1,928 as of 1 January 2024
Originally published