Notes for Guidance - Creditors - Debt Arrangement Scheme
- First published
- 6 August 2024
- Last updated
- 6 August 2024 - see all updates
- Topic
- Debt Arrangement Scheme
This guidance is aimed at creditors and describes their involvement and processes associated with the Debt Arrangement Scheme
The DAS Administrator uses the eDEN computer system to administer DAS. It is a secure, web-based case management system which can be accessed by all parties involved.
eDEN allows you to correspond directly with money advisers, payments distributors, and the DAS Administrator in real time relating to the DPPs you have an interest in. This will provide a clear and visible audit trail.
All creditors are actively encouraged to register for eDEN. Until you register all information relating to the DPP will be issued via post or by other agreed electronic means.
System functions
You will be able to:
- confirm details of debts, agree to, or reject a proposed DPP
- receive and respond to DPP notices or requests for information
- view the progress of all DPPs you have an interest in
- attach scanned documents
- view new items in your workflow
- receive notices
- update information
- submit applications variation or revocation of a DPP
- download information on to excel spreadsheets
eDEN access
You will have a secure login and password to access eDEN. If you are a large organisation you can have several sub-user accounts allowing access to the system for several of your employees at the same time.
All eDEN users are required to comply with a Data Protection statement each time they log in to use the system. All users are given access to the system by virtue of their employment/engagement with the creditor organisation and will be subject to the terms and conditions of any contract or code of conduct issued by the employer.
The organisation is responsible for ensuring the information retained on eDEN is correct and that only relevant staff have permission to access it.
Removing access
Where a member of staff leaves, or no longer requires access to the system, the individual with the organisation with manager access to eDEN is responsible for deleting the user from the system.
If they are unable to do so, or the individual is the person with manager access, they should contact the DAS Administrator as soon as possible with a request for the user to be deleted, with an explanation as to why.
In order to comply with Data Protection legislation your organisation is encouraged to undertake general housekeeping to monitor your access to the system at least on a quarterly basis.
Further information can be found on the eDEN systems page.
- First published
- Tuesday, 6 August 2024
- Last updated
- Tuesday, 6 August 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
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