Procurement Strategy 2024-26
- First published
- 30 October 2024
- Last updated
- 30 October 2024 - see all updates
This strategy details how we intend to deliver our regulated procurements for financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26
Climate change
AiB ensures consideration of the sustainable procurement duty for all regulated procurement exercises. This is achieved through embedding a sustainable procurement duty section into our procurement strategy templates and through use of the Scottish Government’s sustainable procurement tools.
Our procurements are typically for specialist services and our estimated contract values are also comparatively low when compared to wider Scottish Government. As a result, generating effective competition in our tender exercises is becoming an increasing challenge.
When considering embedding sustainability requirements into our tenders significant, consideration is therefore given to proportionality and the potential impact on our tender outcome.
Over this strategy period we will be developing our sustainability knowledge across AiB. This will include advocating completion of the climate literacy learning module and undertaking sustainable procurement training courtesy of the Scottish Government procurement training framework.
This will provide staff with a comprehensive overview of sustainability considerations. Together with examples of sustainability achievements attained by organisations of a comparable size and nature to AiB. The aim of this training is to ensure that the consideration and inclusion of sustainability requirements into our contracts is effectively challenged by a diverse staff group and that inclusion of any sustainability requirements is proportionate, meaningful and measurable.
Procurement actively supports the AiB Working Environment Group. This group is presently working to develop AiB’s Net Zero Strategy.
Procurement will continue to support this group through investigating and presenting available contracts and frameworks to ensure any green initiatives deliver best value for money to the taxpayer.
We are currently investigating LED Lighting and solar panels as part of our next step towards achieving net zero.
- First published
- Wednesday, 30 October 2024
- Last updated
- Wednesday, 30 October 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
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