Procurement Strategy 2024-26
- First published
- 30 October 2024
- Last updated
- 30 October 2024 - see all updates
This strategy details how we intend to deliver our regulated procurements for financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26
General policies
Use of Community Benefits requirements
Community benefits are considered for all regulated procurements irrespective of value. Inclusion of community benefits is discussed with each user intelligence group (UIG) with consideration given to the nature of the requirement, appropriateness and proportionality.
Consulting and engaging with those affected by AiB procurements
Business areas within AiB that are likely to be affected by an AiB procurement are invited to nominate a representative to form part of the UIG.
The AiB Procurement team aims to ensure:
- representation from across AiB where appropriate
- that each UIG comprises a mix of experienced and less experienced staff to generate effective discussion, provide a development opportunity for wider staff and to spark creative and innovative ideas from a diverse user group
Stakeholder identification and mapping is undertaken for all our regulated procurement exercises. This is then used to develop a communications plan to ensure that all those affected by an AiB procurement are kept informed and/or consulted.
The team use supplier engagement questionnaires to consult and engage with the supply base where appropriate. Supplier engagement enables potential service providers to share their views and experiences with us, which in turn aids the development of our procurement strategies and requirements.
Payment of a living wage to persons involved in producing, providing or constructing the subject matter of regulated procurements
The majority of our procurements are sourced via Scottish Government frameworks. Each supplier’s commitment to Fair Work First practices and therefore payment of the Real Living Wage has already been assessed at framework level.
The regulated AiB Procurement Strategy includes a section for Fair Work First. Payment of the Real Living Wage is therefore considered for all regulated procurements irrespective of whether the contract is a call-off.
Where Fair Work First requires further consideration, completion of the Fair Work Commodity/Service Strategy Checklist is necessitated. This may result in a decision to include a Fair Work First question in the Technical Envelope. Where this has been deemed to be appropriate, this question will always be a scored question to ensure a good quality response.
With specific regard to payment of the Real Living Wage, our policy is to mandate payment of the Real Living Wage for all our contracts. This can be justified as below in accordance with Scottish Government guidance:
- payment of the Real Living Wage is relevant to delivery of AiB contracts as AiB requirements often necessitate specialist knowledge and/or skill sets
- mandating the Real Living Wage will not discriminate amongst potential bidders
- it is proportionate for AiB to mandate payment of the Real Living Wage
- our contracts are delivered by workers based in the UK
Prompting compliance by contractors and sub-contractors with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (c.37) and any provision made under that Act
The AiB Regulated Procurement Strategy includes a section for health and safety. Where health and safety risks are identified, these are recorded together with any mitigating actions and continuous monitored throughout the life of the contract.
Health and safety may also form part of a technical questionnaire for requirements where health and safety are of particular concern and further assurance is required.
Procurement of fairly and ethically traded goods and services
Our procurements are undertaken in accordance with any and all applicable legislation. Best procurement practices are adhered to with all procurement staff undertaking CIPS ethics training annually.
- First published
- Wednesday, 30 October 2024
- Last updated
- Wednesday, 30 October 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
Publishing date