Procurement Strategy 2024-26

This strategy details how we intend to deliver our regulated procurements for financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26


AiB adheres to the ministerial commitment to pay all invoices within 10 days of receipt. This is achieved through ensuring that applicable staff are sufficiently trained in receipting and understand the need to pass invoices to the finance team as soon as possible.

The AiB Finance team examine any invoices that are at risk of breaching the 10 day payment deadline and work to resolve the issue.

Payments due by a contractor to a sub-contractor and payments due by a sub-contractor to a sub-contractor must be made within 30 days of invoice receipt as per Scottish Government contract terms.

Where sub-contracting relationships exist within our contracts, adherence to this prompt payment requirement is monitored through use of a key performance indicator.

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