Debtor Guide - Bankruptcy

This guide provides general advice on bankruptcy for people who have been made bankrupt

What happens after my trustee is discharged?

They will no longer be responsible, or have authority, to deal with your assets or creditors. If creditors continue to make contact you should provide them with a copy of your discharge certificate or seek assistance from your money adviser or local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If they have been discharged before the end of four years you must inform them if you receive any assets within this period.  For example, property, inheritance, or insurance pay out.

If you do receive an asset, or your trustee discovers you had an asset they did not know about, they can apply to be reappointed as your trustee up to five years from the date of your bankruptcy. This will allow them the opportunity to ingather the monetary value of that asset, either by selling the asset or having you or a third party buy out the trustee’s interest. However, they must be able to show AiB their reappointment would be of benefit to your creditors.

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