Publication - Publication scheme
Business Plan 2024-25
- First published
- 11 June 2024
- Last updated
- 11 June 2024 - see all updates
The plan sets out an overview of actions and objectives for the year.
Core objective 3 - Continuous improvement
Strategic aim
- to make the best use of available information to allow our staff to deliver products and services to the highest professional standards
- to take a digital by default approach to the services AiB provide
Strategic outcome
The services AiB provide offer best value through efficient systems, practices and processes, ultimately reducing reliance on public funds to deliver those services.
We will make maximum use of limited inputs to achieve time, money and resource efficiency, ensuring we pursue opportunities for maximising value for money.
What we will do
- take improvement action based upon the recommendations of the Investors in People assessment for which AiB retained gold status in March 2024
- business strategy – review of our strategic priorities to ensure they remain fit for purpose and provide a overarching steer for future planning
- in order to deliver an effective service AiB recognise the need to continually develop staff skills and enable them to adapt to the evolving work environment. As part of this we will develop a new people strategy to clearly outline expectation on AiB and its staff for areas including learning, career development, equalities, diversity and succession planning
- communications strategy – support development of guidelines on accessibility requirements for documents, examine social media expectations, and set clear strategy on use of AIB website and overall communication channels. This will enhance our communications across all internal and external networks.
- review our finance strategy and focus on medium term financial planning
- IT strategy – refine for the future direction of IT development, cyber security and hardware requirements
- adopt a risk driven approach to pre-empting of bankruptcy recall actions
- conduct an internal review of the fair and reasonable process under the DAS
- First published
- Tuesday, 11 June 2024
- Last updated
- Tuesday, 11 June 2024 - show all updates
- All updates
2024-25 report published on website