Business Plan 2024-25

The plan sets out an overview of actions and objectives for the year.

5. AiB building space

The Scottish Government’s Estate Strategy is being developed to support effective planning for our hybrid working organisation in the years ahead. This enables ministers to make informed decisions about the long-term future of our buildings.

Further environmental benefits will be identified from any office redevelopment work, particularly around fixtures, fittings and equipment.

AiB have commenced discussions with Scottish Government Estates around a potential co-tenancy at our office at 1 Pennyburn Road, Kilwinning.

During 2024-25 we prepare for this outcome with a target date of 1 April 2025. We will work in partnership to prepare office space, help maximise use of our office space, and look at potential of a shared corporate service.

How will we know we’ve been successful?

  • a co-tenant will have been identified with a plan to support transition
  • a building monitoring system will be in place to assess measures key to working towards net zero
  • any new equipment will have been purchased through sustainable procurement routes
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