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Business Plan 2024-25

The plan sets out an overview of actions and objectives for the year.

Key performance indicators

Case processing times

Bankruptcy target: 9 days

The time from when a self-nominated application is submitted and the fee received until a bankruptcy is awarded and published on the Register of Insolvencies.

DAS target: 4 days

The time from initial receipt of a Debt Payment Programme (DPP) until proposal letters are issued to creditors plus the time from the end of the creditor approval period until the DPP decision letters are issued.

PTD target: 1.5 days

The time taken from receipt by AiB of a Form 3 (which is the submission by the trustee of a trust deed for protection) until the protection or rejection of the trust deed.

Administration cost per case

To keep the average costs of case administration within the following limits:

AiB product

Average cost per case

Minimal Asset Process


Full administration bankruptcy


DPPs under DAS


The cost KPIs exclude insolvency practitioner fees and case outlays which are dependent on case-specific circumstances. They also exclude all office overheads, including systems depreciation which are fixed regardless of case volumes.

There is no cost KPI for protected trust deeds given we are not a provider of protected trust deeds, and our role in their administration is therefore more limited than in the other products.


AiB will set new annual targets and map our route to net zero by 2045.

While this had originally been planned for 2023-24, external information required to allow valuable and measurable targets to be determined was not available during the time frame. This is now available and we will be able to progress this essential action.

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